Water is the main theme in the new edition of the educational project Centcelles, el nostre objectiu, which is being carried out during this school year in the educational centers of Constantí. This iniciative, coordinated by MNAT, seeks to offer the Monumental complex of Centcelles as a tool for formation and learning through an innovative and colaborative project proposals.
With this theme as a starting point, each center will develop its own projects which will combine with other activities and lines of work proposed for all participating schools and high schools. All these activities will converge, in May, in a joint, participatory and collaborative project that will be presented in the Monumental complex of Centcelles itself.
During the first term of this year, a group of students that participated in this project have had their first contact with the monument. Last December the students of fifth grade of the primary school Mossèn Ramón Bergadà went on a visit to Centcelles, which also included an itinerary to the Pont de les Caixes to deepen their knowledge about water management in the Roman times in relation to the remains of the Roman aqueduct located at this same point. The students also participated in a mosaic making workshop. The previous month, the 1st of ESO students of the Turó/Aura school and the fifth grade students of the Centcelles school also visited the complex.
This year, the project Centcelles, el nostre objectiu includes again the participation of the Centcelles and Mossèn Ramon Berguedà schools, the high school of Constantí, the Aura/Turó school and the Escola Municipal de Música de Constantí. The initiative also has the collaboration of the City Council of Constantí and the sponsorship of Repsol.