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Impact on the visit to the Necropolis of Tarraco

The visit to the  Necropolis of Tarraco will be affected this Tuesday, July 16 due to the work that is being carried out in the space, within the comprehensive rehabilitation project.Throughout the day on Tuesday, visitors will only be able to access the interpretation and exhibition center "The World of Death", while access to the exterior site will be temporarily restricted.Admission to the Tarraco…

16 July 2024

Comencen les obres de rehabilitació de les cobertes del museu de la Necròpolis de Tàrraco

El projecte integral de rehabilitació de la Necròpolis de Tàrraco es posa en marxa amb l’inici de la primera de les actuacions previstes: la rehabilitació de les cobertes de l’edifici del museu, situat al centre del jaciment. Els treballs en aquest espai del MNAT estan finançats pel Ministeri de Cultura a través del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència amb els fons europeus…

11 July 2024

Monologues at Tinglado 4 and dramatized tours, main characters of the summer program at MNAT

The program Estiueja al MNAT proposes from the 15th of July to the 15th of September around thirty activities at the different MNAT centers. The iniciative combines again the heritage with the most educative and ludic proposals that allow the public to get closer to the History of Tarraco from a different perspective. As a main novelty, the program incorporates a cycle of monologues and dialogues…

27 June 2024

El MNAT estrena nova imatge corporativa inspirada en l’arquitectura i vida urbana de Tàrraco

El Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona (MNAT) estrena aquest dimarts 18 de juny nova imatge corporativa. Es tracta d’una marca dissenyada per l’estudi amb base a Tarragona format per Gerard Joan, Eider Corral i Laura Messeguer, i que es basa en un sistema modular inspirat en l’arquitectura urbana de Tàrraco.Aquest canvi pretén copsar millor l’ànima de la institució i té l’objectiu…

18 June 2024

New edition of the Cycle of Concerts at Centcelles from the 4th to the 25th of July

The Monumental complex of Centcelles will once again hold this summer a new edition of the Cycle of Concerts at Centcelles, which will bring various quality musical proposals during all of July. This Thursday 13th of June, the Associació dels Amics de la Música de Constantí with the collaboration of the Ajuntament de Constantí, Repsol and the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT),…

13 June 2024

The MNAT joins the European Archaeological Days with free activities

On the weekend of June 15 and 16 the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) joins the European Archaeological Days (JEA) with a series of free activities. These days, which are held in the 46 member countries of the Council of Europe, aim to familiarize the European public with archaeology and its challenges. On the occasion of this celebration, the different areas of the MNAT will hold…

11 June 2024

The exhibition on the legacy of Serra i Vilaró co-produced by MNAT arrives at the Arxiu Comarcal del Berguedà

The exhibition "Mn. Serra i Vilaró (1879 - 1969). 50 anys del llegat d’un pioner" continues its tour of Catalonia five years after its opening in Tarragona in 2019. This exhibition, promoted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of the archaeologist and ecclesiastic Joan Serra i Vilaró, was inaugurated on June 3rd at the Arxiu Comarcal del Berguedà, in Berga, coinciding with the International…

10 June 2024

Archaeological works prior to the rehabilitation of the Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona have begun.

The archaeological works prior to the full rehabilitation of the Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona have begun. Since last May 30th, an archaeological campaign is being carried out to collect the necessary information for the drafting of the executive rehabilitation project, financed by the Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with the European…

5 June 2024

Prop de 200 alumnes de primària i secundària de Constantí participen a la cloenda del projecte Centcelles, el nostre objectiu

Prop de 200 alumnes de 5è de primària i 1r d’ESO dels centres educatius de Constantí han participat aquest dimecres en la Fira de Projectes, l’acte conjunt amb què es clou l’edició 2023/2024 del projecte educatiu i participatiu “Centcelles, el nostre objectiu”, que coordina el Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona (MNAT). Els estudiants han pogut presentar al Conjunt Monumental de…

29 May 2024

A new podcast with Constantí Ràdio spreads the "Centcelles, el nostre objectiu" project

The National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) and the local radio station Constantí Ràdio have promoted the recording and dissemination of the podcast "Centcelles, objectiu aigua", dedicated to the educational and participative project  "Centcelles, el nostre objectiu".This new iniciative consist on five chapters that will be spread through the platform of Constantí Ràdio, and will allow…

8 May 2024

The MNAT celebrates the Day and Night of the Museums with an intense program

This Tuesday 7th of May the museums of Tarragona have presented a program expected for the International Museum Day, which will be on Saturday 18th of May, and this year coincides also with the celebration of the Night of the Museums. For the tenth consecutive year, the cultural institutions of the city have united to promote a joint itinerary between different museums and cultural centers, the "Journey…

7 May 2024

Closing of the venues because of the 1st of May festivity

We remind you that this 1st of May, the venues from the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) will remain closed to the public on the occasion of the festivity of the 1st of May. The closing will affect the TARRACO/MNAT exhibition in Tinglado 4 of Tarragona, the Early Christian Nechropolis of Tarragona, the Roman Vila of Els Munts in Altafulla and the Monumental Complex of Centcelles…

29 April 2024

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