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Since 2013, the MNAT has been managed by the Catalan Cultural Heritage

Through this page, and in compliance with the provisions of Law 19/2014 of 29 December on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT), and attached to the Catalan Agency of Cultural Heritage, depending on the Department of Culture, makes public the information of the MNAT regarding its organizational structure and budget management.

On this same page you can also find the e-mail corresponding to the exercise of the right of access to public information.

Likewise, information of a more institutional nature can be found on the transparency portal of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Budget execution



  • Mònica Borrell


  • Montserrat Perramon (Documentation)
  • Josep Anton Remolà (Collections, Research and Archaeology)
  • Ester Ramon (Dissemination, Education and Exhibitions)


  • Dolors Burló (Reservations)
  • Cori Ribó (Dissemination)
  • Azahara Palomares (Communication)


  • Gemma Jové


  • Ingrid Palos 

Human Resources

  • Sonia Navarro 

Financial Management

  • Estel Casas


  • Juli Molas
  • Juan José Mulero

Public attention

  • Aleix Bondia
  • Cristina Cruz
  • Raquel Gamarra
  • Pilar Garcia
  • Pere Gebellí
  • Mar Jornet
  • Àgata Macias
  • Rosana Martín
  • Pere Martorell
  • Montse Ortiz
  • Yolanda Ramón
  • Eva Rodon
  • Cori Rodríguez
  • Jaume Solé

Job offers

MNAT Personnel Selection Processes

  • At present, there are no selection processes opened.


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