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A new podcast with Constantí Ràdio spreads the "Centcelles, el nostre objectiu" project

8 May 2024

The National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) and the local radio station Constantí Ràdio have promoted the recording and dissemination of the podcast "Centcelles, objectiu aigua", dedicated to the educational and participative project  "Centcelles, el nostre objectiu".

This new iniciative consist on five chapters that will be spread through the platform of Constantí Ràdio, and will allow the different educational centers of Constantí to share the work done during this school year inside the project "Centcelles, el nostre objectiu", with the main theme focused on the water as a protagonist. Every center will record a chapter with the participation of three or four students. Each submission will allow us to discover which projects the students have developed and which aspects have had the greatest impact on them or which they have most enjoyed the experience.

The first chapter dedicated to the Institution Tarragona/Turó it's already available in this link. Each week until the begining of June, there will be a new chapter available about the Constantí High School, the Escola Centcelles and the Escola Mossèn Ramon Bergadà. The last week a recorded chapter will be published together with the four educational centers.

The podcast, moreover, counts with the collaboration of the Escola de Música de Constantí, who has written and recorded the music of "Centcelles, el nostre objectiu" that will be used in all the chapters. 

"Centcelles, el nostre objectiu" is a participatory project ongoing since 2013. The objective is bring heritage closer to the entire population of Constantí through the work between the different educational centers. Students from 5th grade and 1st of ESO will be participating on the making of different activities that treat both the Monumental Complex of Centcelles and the Roman heritage in general, and the development of own projects in each of the centers.

Among other activities, the students have visited the Monumental Complex of Centcelles this year and the "Pont de les Caixes", and have carried out a themed visit about the water in the Roman age at Tinglado 4, combined with a visit at "Pont del Diable" of Tarragona. The next 29th of May the "Fira de Projectes" will take place at Monumental Complex of Centcelles, a day where each center will share the work done during this year. 

The project is coordinated by MNAT and counts with the collaboration of the City Council of Constantí, the sponsorship of Repsol and the support of the "Centre de Recursos Pedagògics del Tarragonès". 

Next: Prop de 200 alumnes de primària i secundària de Constantí participen a la cloenda del projecte Centcelles, el nostre objectiu
Previous: The MNAT celebrates the Day and Night of the Museums with an intense program

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