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Archaeological works prior to the rehabilitation of the Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona have begun.

5 June 2024

The archaeological works prior to the full rehabilitation of the Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona have begun. Since last May 30th, an archaeological campaign is being carried out to collect the necessary information for the drafting of the executive rehabilitation project, financed by the Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with the European funds Next Generation.

Specifically, during the month of June, prospection works are scheduled to be carried out in the part of the site located on the slope of the Ramon y Cajal Avenue, with interventions at different points along this sector of the site. The work is being promoted by the Gerència d’Infraestructures i Equipaments de Cultura del Ministeri de Cultura, through the Societat Mercantil Estatal de Gestió Immobiliària del Patrimoni (SEGIPSA), and is being carried out by the company  Rècop Restauracions Arquitectòniques, under the direction of the archaeologist Frederic Cervelló.

The objective of the campaign, which is expected to last several weeks, is to gather information to define the extension of the service module. From the results, it will be possible to elaborate the definitive executive project, the works of which are foreseen to begin in 2025.

The Early Christian Necropolis is a state-owned site managed by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the Agència Catalana de Patrimoni Cultural del Departament de Cultura (Catalan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Department of Culture). Both administrations are working in coordination in the preparation of the rehabilitation project and new museography, as well as in other derived actions, such as the restoration of the site and the collection.

Changes in the tour itinerary

The archaeological prospections will force to modify punctually during the next weeks the circuit of visit to the site of the Necropolis, which will maintain its usual activity both in terms of visiting hours and programmed activities. At all times, changes and restricted areas will be signposted, informing visitors of any alterations to the usual route. From the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) will work to try to minimize the inconvenience that may cause these affectations, and visitors are advised to consult the website and social networking profiles to receive updated information.

This archaeological campaign is the preliminary step to the integral rehabilitation project of the Necropolis, promoted by the Ministry of Culture and which foresees a total investment of seven million euros included in the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience, financed with European Next Generation EU funds. The project covers both the site and the museum, and its drafting has been awarded to the Unió Temporal d’Empreses (UTE) Urbana Strata.

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